Still need more help? Pray more! Jesus can still make a way!

Still need more help? Pray more! Jesus can still make a way!

Praying to Jesus is a practice that has been around since the time of the early Christians. It is a way to build a relationship with the divine, to experience unconditional love, More »


God Sent Jesus At Christmas-Time Purposely….

If you’ve ever read the story of the birth of Jesus, or watched a movie about the birth of Jesus, you may have come to the same conclusions that we did; not only is Christmas a truly magical time of

Ever wondered what Jesus would want for “His Birthday”?

I hope you’re having a happy holiday. It can be a lot. I know it can be a lot! I know that it can be really stressful! It’s crazy to think this all started as one guy’s birthday. One guy’s birthday,

Make Room For Jesus this Christmas!

A while back, my three-year-old granddaughter, Grace, faced a harsh disturbance. No, she didn’t come down with any sickness, nor did she break a bone. Neither had her brothers taken her toys, heaven forbid. This time, Grace was denying passage into

Want An Easy Way to Change Negative Circumstances? Let Jesus Help!

When you first wake up, what pops into your mind? Do you start thinking about all the work you have to do? The emails you have to reply to, the pile of paperwork on your desk that has to be

Can God Put “Christ” in Your Christmas?

Have you ever thought about what Christmas really means to you? We have. Almost everyone in our ministry has a different idea of what Christmas means to them. We all agree that Christmas is not about us, and it’s not

Because of the “The Manger Miracle”, your life can be transformed!

Dear friend and faithful blog reader, I understand that this time of year can be overwhelming. The hustle and bustle of the Christmas season may feel like a mountain that is too high to climb. Perhaps you find yourself tired,

When YOU don’t see “nothing” Jesus is still working!

It’s true that we all have our share of problems and struggles in life, but there’s one Person who can make a difference: Jesus Christ. It may be easy to forget this in the day-to-day pressures of life, but Jesus

Jesus can Renew your strength when you’ve gotten tired of the “struggles”!

With Christmas being right around the corner a lot of folks find themselves exhausted, overwhelmed, depressed, fed up or just plain over it because what they are having to deal with is just way too much! We’ve all been through

Jesus can shine light on YOUR Christmas if it’s dark!

Have you ever tried to celebrate Christmas while you were going through a painful season of life? Perhaps things were so dark you literally felt like you were under the shadow of death? In Corrie Ten Boom’s book, Corrie’s Christmas Memories, she

Break free! Let Jesus help you overcome being Stuck!

Feeling stagnant in life is a common struggle that many people face, but it doesn’t have to be a permanent state. Regardless of the source of feeling stuck, finding a way to break free and move forward can seem daunting.

Jesus is Knocking! Will you answer?

Do we feel like we have to keep up some kind of smokescreen so others won’t know about our own times of emptiness and longing? [Jesus to the Christians in the church at Laodicea:] “Here I am! I stand at

No matter what, Jesus can help!

This one is for the brother or sister going through a rough patch. There are times when life becomes too heavy, too confusing, or too challenging and we simply fall apart. We do our best to hold it together which
