Tag Archives: Church

You’ve Read And You’ve Heard, But Who Is Jesus To You?

When asked who Peter thought Jesus was, he replied: You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus didn’t praise Peter for giving a smart answer. Yes, the Lord did bless Peter for sharing these words, but he

Tired? Find Renewal in Christ!

We live in a world where tireless effort and constant productivity are highly valued. We are encouraged to keep pushing, to strive for success, and to always be on the move. Sometimes, though, this relentless pursuit and constant busyness, it

Is Jesus’ Yoke Really Easy? Is His Burden Actually Light?

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your

Jesus Can Calm YOUR Storms!

Lately, I’ve noticed being distressed has become popular. Blue jeans come straight from the manufacturer with holes already in them. It’s hard to find new jeans without holes in the fabric. It’s also a trend for furniture and picture frames to have

When *Suffering* persists, activate new blessings!

We have found that Life is like a roller coaster ride. It is filled with ups and downs, highs, then lows, victories, then defeats, triumphs and sometimes tribulations. Because of this struggling can try to take a lot out of

Jesus wants to meet YOU In Problems you tired of!

Remember when the disciples were on the Sea of Galilee and a storm struck? (Read Matthew 14.) The wind and waves began in the evening and continued all night long. Meanwhile, Jesus was on a mountaintop praying, far away from

Share Your Life With Christ!

Jesus is not only our Savior and Lord, but he is also the model on whom we are to build our lives! [Jesus told his disciples,] “A disciple is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully qualified will

Ready To Get Out Of The Boat Yet?

Jesus said to the cripple he had just cured, “pick up your mat and walk”. To the prostitute, “go forth and sin no more”. To his fishermen disciples, “throw your nets into the water.” Jesus´ministry is one of action, of

Want Divine Guidance in Choosing a Life Verse?

Your favorite Christian authors have one. Your friends at church do too. Even the pastor has one. A life verse. We hear about them all the time. Yet the idea of actually finding our own can seem overwhelming. For some

Trust Jesus for “Miracles in life’s messes”!

Are you feeling overwhelmed and defeated by the messes that life has thrown your way? Are you struggling to find hope and faith in the midst of difficult circumstances? If so, let me assure you that Jesus can still perform

Is what you need Impossible?

When you know that you know that you have done all that you can in “certain” situations”, it can be hard to know what to do! It can be hard to even wanna try again especially if you have been

Need More Help? Don’t Worry…Jesus Always Has A Plan!

A number of people today are in a desperate place in their lives. You may even be one of them. Are you in need of a financial miracle? Many are strapped financially or are in need of salvation for another
