Tag Archives: fresh

Problems Can depress You, Let Jesus Help!

If you’re feeling depressed, remember that you’re not alone. God is with you always. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people in your family, your church, or your friend circles. Ask them to pray with and for you, and

Rediscover This Gift that Jesus Wants To Give You!

Jesus said to them: “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest for a while” (Mark 6:30). One of my favourite books begins with the simple statement: “Life had been getting increasingly hard, so I ran away.”

Leave what was behind, 7 Exit Tips to Get A Fresh Start!

A new year means a new start. But first we need to look at the ‘out with the old’ before we look at the ‘in with the new.’ Why not start the New Year with a clean slate? We all

Today Could Be The Day Jesus Answers Your Prayers?He May Be Listening…You Praying?

Have you ever prayed and prayed only to either not receive the answer that you were hoping for or prayed and prayed only to wonder if God or Jesus was even listening to you? Do you wonder if Your prayers really matter to

Feeling Hopeless? Jesus Can Breathe New Hope Your Way!

“We have run out of options. Your ankle will continue to get worse and you may eventually be unable to walk on it. In order to prolong your use of it, you must avoid all running, jumping, and stress on

When Nothing Seems To Work, Prayer Does Eventually!

“Your son will not live. There’s nothing we can do.” What do you do when you receive news that threatens to destroy your world? When you’re told that there is no hope? No light at the end of the tunnel?

Need More Help? Can Jesus Meet with you when YOU pray?

Jesus Christ wants to meet with you when you pray. Are you interested in getting better results in your prayer life? If you are then inviting Jesus Christ into your prayer life to see what differences He can make in

Following Jesus Is Easier When You Do This! 5 Ways to Get Started!

I’ve always been amazed by Jesus’ response to Satan’s first temptation: “if you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread” (Matthew 4:3). I picture Jesus there, looking at the stones. His ribs are poking

Your trial is preparing you for your trophy!

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is

What Do YOU Do After The Crowd Leaves….?

Thanksgiving is over. What do we do after the crowd has gone? All our frantic preparations are past tense. The meal and feasting are over. Our family and our guests are gone, many carrying a few extra pounds and more

Need Some advice? Let Christ Help!

“Here is my advice: It would be good for you to finish what you started a year ago.”        2 Corinthians 8:10 As 2019 approaches, now is a good time to do a check-up on the goals You

Come! Let’s experience what the Lord has told us about!

As soon as the heavenly messengers disappeared into heaven, the shepherds were buzzing with conversation.Shepherds: “Let’s rush down to Bethlehem right now! Let’s see what’s happening! Let’s experience what the Lord has told us about!” (Luke 2:15 The Voice) Feel
