Tag Archives: Inter

Jesus Wants to help you if you’re depressed!

If you’ve found yourself feeling down about life a lot lately and if you have found yourself finding it difficult to concentrate or difficult to go on, you might be depressed. Depression in life is not unusual but normal these

Invite Jesus to change your life when You Pray!

Praying for health does not cost you anything.  Praying for health takes a little time. There are many people that belong to some kind of religion. When a person is sick or in pain, it is common to pray for

Is life’s stress Trying To Choke Life out of You? Jesus can help!

Job-related stress is unavoidable in any line of work. The effects of too much stress buildup, however, can be detrimental to you and your career. The average workweek has increased to about 75 hours a week or more including work

Maybe Jesus Has allowed “What has Happened to you” to lead you to “Let Go and Let God”!

Popular Christian speaker and author Joyce Meyer says that everybody has baggage, but God gives people the opportunity to redeem themselves and create new beginnings. “Have you ever noticed all the people throughout the Bible that God gave a fresh

Give Jesus Your Problems..Ask Him to lead You to God’s plans!

The world we live in can be very stressful at times, wouldn’t you agree?  Especially when you have to listen to and deal with the world’s problems, your own problems, your friend’s problems and your family’s problems. With so many

As The New Year Approaches Make The Winning Shot!

When I was boy I spent countless hours shooting baskets in my backyard. I liked to imagine that my team was behind by one point in the last seconds and I had the ball in my hands. I’d dribble, spin

Like Mary Has God called You to Make Your life Extraordinary?

As we get closer to Christ’s birthday, which is Christmas day, let’s take a detailed look at Jesus’s mother – a woman named Mary. We will use some ideas and thoughts from Adam Hamilton’s book, “The Journey,” as well as

Jesus Could Be Allowing Your Pain to Redeem You!

I’ve just got to have some steak!” I surprised myself when I said this out loud while sweeping my back porch. But my stomach was growling and I couldn’t think of anything else but a charcoal grilled steak to fix

Jesus is Working In Your Life!Are You Recognizing His Messengers!

Oftentimes you are not able to recognize those whom God has sent into your life to make a difference and to give you spiritual insight into your purpose. This blindness can inhibit your understanding of the full purpose of God.

Terrible Problems?Let Jesus Guide You!

Do you want Jesus to deliver you from low, barren, stuck, bad or tight places? Are you tired of going through the same old thing day in and day out and feel as though you are not getting any results

Unhappy? Jesus Wants to Guide You!

In the pursuit of happiness, apart from God, Solomon had aimless wanderings and fruitless searching for satisfaction. If you have a reverential fear of God, obey Him and make room for Him in all you do, you will find meaning

Even in Hard times, Is Your Joy found in Jesus?

God wants us to continually make good choices for our lives. So He’s given us the Bible – His Word – as an instruction book to live by. The thing is, once we know what it says, we’re responsible to
