Tag Archives: never

Don’t Live Life In Fear, Trust Jesus! Trust God!

Terrorists terrify us. But from an eternal perspective, they may touch the body, but they can never touch the soul. “Dear friends, don’t be afraid of these who want to murder you. They can only kill the body; they have

The Little Engine That Could!

“The Little Engine That Could.” is one of those marvelous children’s stories that  stays with you. I’m 74 years old and still, to this today, when faced with difficulties, I often find myself remembering a picture of the little engine

Need Help?Let Jesus hand you 2 tools to Attract Supernatural Intervention!

Life can be trying, tiring and oftentimes very perplexing, but you don’t have to be held hostage or captive to trying, tiring and perplexing situations especially if Jesus Christ is Your Personal Lord And Savior.  He is always working, always

Jesus wants to Help You Fix Your Life!

In case You haven’t noticed it, life is getting tougher, rougher and many different and unforeseen obstacles are cropping up every where trying to divert your focus from God’s plans and purposes for your life. These unforeseen obstacles are trying

Today Could Be The Day Jesus Answers Your Prayers?He May Be Listening…You Praying?

Have you ever prayed and prayed only to either not receive the answer that you were hoping for or prayed and prayed only to wonder if God or Jesus was even listening to you? Do you wonder if Your prayers really matter to

Missing Joy in Your Life? Let Jesus show you how to get it!

Since we’ve been talking about a new start, I’ve found that it is necessary to have joy in your life as you wait on God to create and give you your new start. Jesus, the son of God always made

Pain is Inevitable but with Jesus, Suffering is Optional!

Pain, suffering, and happiness are three rather different words to be linked together. Everyone desires happiness, but this has different meanings for each of us. Furthermore, stress and pain are two major barriers between us and our goal of happiness.

Feeling Hopeless? Jesus Can Breathe New Hope Your Way!

“We have run out of options. Your ankle will continue to get worse and you may eventually be unable to walk on it. In order to prolong your use of it, you must avoid all running, jumping, and stress on

Frustrated or Tired? Is Your Life Like Paul’s?

I thought I knew him. I’ve followed his ministry. And over the years, I’ve spent a lot of time reading his writings. But recently I realized I didn’t know as much about the Apostle Paul as I thought. While studying

Problems Can depress You, Let Jesus Help!

If you’re feeling depressed, remember that you’re not alone. God is with you always. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people in your family, your church, or your friend circles. Ask them to pray with and for you, and

If Jesus Asked You To Follow Him…Would You Follow?

People seemed to follow Jesus wherever He went – to towns and villages, hills and mountainsides, streets and synagogues. Perhaps most went after Him to see the miracles and healings. Many might have been curious about his teachings. Some may

Need help? Jesus Has A Prayer For YOU!

Why re-invent the wheel? Sometimes the Book of Psalms is the only prayer resource we need. Psalm 143 is one to turn to when you are feeling overwhelmed by a trial. Use it today as your template for prayer. Start
