When Christians experience the trials of life, often their victories can depend on how they anticipate the outcome of their circumstances. Believers often expect the worst to happen in their lives and usually nothing ever does. This is not only
We, as Christians, are in a continual battle against our adversary, the devil, a spirit being whose sole intent is to cause havoc for each of us. His goal is to get us off track of God’s plan for our lives. He waits
If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasantness and joy. Job 36:11 Jesus has no problem with you increasing more and more in good things. Jesus has always intended for
“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” – Philippians 4:8 (NLT)
As Christians we know that we are supposed to pray, but do you ever get stuck on exactly what to pray for? If you are looking for some prayer prompts that will take you beyond, “uh, Lord…uh… be with them
One of the most underestimated strengths in the Christian life is prayer. It is the way we communicate with the Maker of the Universe and He not only hears us, but He also responds. Through prayer we access healing, wisdom,
The young man was enthusiastic, energetic, and highly motivated. He was determined to stand true to his leader regardless of the cost. Confident in his own ability, he boasted, “Even if all the others desert you, I will never!” Yet,
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 Today, I fought discouragement, because I looked at me instead of God. I
When your life feels heavy with problems, it can be a huge relief to turn to Jesus and put your life in his hands. It’s so easy to get discouraged and feel like you can’t get back up when times
There are moments in our life when our faith is tested with challenges to do the impossible. Philip and the rest of the disciples thought that feeding the multitude was impossible. God often ministers through weakness. He does not always
A huge challenge to the living out of a practical and day-to-day faith is our wrestling with the problem of suffering. Because suffering is pain and, as Lucy Van Pelt quipped in a Peanuts cartoon many years ago, “Pain hurts!”,
Are you feeling tired of the endless struggles, overwhelmed by the weight on your shoulders, or simply fed up with how things are going? We’ve got some incredible news for you that will bring hope and restoration to your weary
Still on the fence about partnering with Jesus? Haven’t fully decided yet? Well we’ve got good news for you, partnering with Jesus has benefits! Some of Read More »
If you’re feeling discouraged, tired, broke, sick, or uncertain right now, you’re not alone. Life can be incredibly hard, and sometimes it feels like nothing is Read More »
Have you been dealing with an illness, a difficulty, a problem or a circumstance for a long time? Are answers for you either not showing up, Read More »
As we approach and celebrate the most significant event of all history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It is important to know that Read More »
Dear Disciple, The promise of today’s verses focuses on your answer to one question: Do you believe? Do you believe that the Father took My lifeless Read More »
And because of their unbelief, he [Jesus] couldn’t do any miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them. Read More »
What you need is possible! Pray and trust Jesus to help you discover the way to it!