Tag Archives: Scripture

As Easter approaches, Jesus will try if you try!

If you have tried everything and it is not working, the thing to try when all else fails is to try again! The reason you should try again is because the person who really wants to do something finds a

Jesus wants to be at the center of your life!

Without Jesus at the center of our faith, we are left with only an empty form of religion. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you

At Any Moment Jesus Could Step In YOUR Circumstances!

  The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God… (Mark 1:1). Which is your favorite Bible gospel? ___ Matthew and his focus on Jesus’ teaching and fulfillment of prophecy? ___ Mark and his fast-paced

Jesus is Helping You, Are You Helping Him?

  “What am I supposed to do with my life?” “I don’t feel like what I do matters very much… that my life makes much of a difference. How do I make my life count?” “I’m nothing special. I’m shy.

Do YOU need Jesus’s light?

When the queen of England knighted Sir Isaac Newton, it was the first time a scientist was honored this way. He was a brilliant scholar with a wide range of interests: from mathematics to natural philosophy, from the laws of

Discouraged? Your life may have been highjacked!

The Bible is filled with great stories of how Jesus helped many people when they faced insurmountable odds, overwhelming circumstances and unforseen problems. Additionally, Jesus’s life and His teachings are filled with many lessons that YOU can apply to your

Is Jesus YOUR Genie?

Most of you know the folklore of a Genie in a bottle. You rub the bottle and then you have three wishes. (Of course, the first wish I would like is to have a thousand more wishes.) A lot of

Need Some advice? Let Christ Help!

“Here is my advice: It would be good for you to finish what you started a year ago.”        2 Corinthians 8:10 As 2019 approaches, now is a good time to do a check-up on the goals You

Let Jesus Give YOU touchable Hope!

Scripture: While they were still talking about [the resurrection appearances of Jesus to Peter, John, and the disciples on the road to Emmaus], Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” They were startled and

Could YOU Be Like Michelle?

As I write, there is a young lady named Michelle walking up and down the halls of our church facility exercising. She is amazingly spiritual and always has a smile on her face and a song in her heart and

Seeking God For 31 Days? Jesus May Be working to fix “YOUR Droughts”!

Things have been soggy in West Texas this past year. Green is not an expected late summer and early fall color. This year, however, prairie grass is still green, very plentiful, and much taller than usual! Weeds are growing like

A Note To You From Jesus! Be Faithful!

 Dear Friend, I want you to feel the urgency in Paul’s words to Timothy. They come from the last of Paul’s writings to his son in the faith. These words plead for Timothy to join Paul in his life of
