Tag Archives: Take

Bible verses To Help You Make it Through!

However well life is going overall, we all have moments when we feel totally overwhelmed – unable to get perspective or see beyond a particular problem. The Bible speaks a lot about this, and how God is at hand even

Your life can be really dark without Jesus!

 In the physical realm we have only two halves to the day, light and darkness, and similarly in the spiritual realm, there are only two halves, light and darkness. There are no grey areas. Nowhere in the scriptures is it

Jesus wants to Help You Fix Your Life!

In case You haven’t noticed it, life is getting tougher, rougher and many different and unforeseen obstacles are cropping up every where trying to divert your focus from God’s plans and purposes for your life. These unforeseen obstacles are trying

If Problems are Tiring You Out,Jesus wants to help!

Have you ever heard the song “You just gotta have FAITTTTTTHHHH!” From the song “Faith” by George Michael and Limp Bizkit?   Did you know that they way you think will influence the way you will be. This is why

As A Follower Of Jesus, Seek God’s Refuge For Help+Strength!

Have you ever needed a refuge, a place to hide from the storm? Our little boat was heading straight into a 50 MPH wind. My friend and me were out fishing on a small lake in the Midwest. We didn’t

Today Could Be The Day Jesus Answers Your Prayers?He May Be Listening…You Praying?

Have you ever prayed and prayed only to either not receive the answer that you were hoping for or prayed and prayed only to wonder if God or Jesus was even listening to you? Do you wonder if Your prayers really matter to

If you are fed up or tired, Jesus invites you to pray again!

Jesus Christ, God’s one and only son walked this earth for 33 years and from the very beginning of His life, He had it rough. He was born without sin to virgin Mary in deplorable conditions in a stable that

Missing Joy in Your Life? Let Jesus show you how to get it!

Since we’ve been talking about a new start, I’ve found that it is necessary to have joy in your life as you wait on God to create and give you your new start. Jesus, the son of God always made

10 Bible Verses Jesus Wants YOU To have About Hope!

Hope is one of the core elements of the Christian faith. It’s a desiring of things that we can’t understand how they will happen, but want them to. It gives us courage and confidence in moving forward. It provides encouragement

Invite Jesus in Your life!

Life’s problems and troubles can drain you out and almost make you feel like you are having the life choked out of you! It doesn’t have to be that way! You don’t have to suffer and walk the lonesome road

Need help understanding Bible Verses?

An important part of living the life of a true Christian is reading the Scriptures. The Scriptures itself is divided into two main sections, the two biggest portions: the Old Testament, which discusses the Lord’s prophets and their wisdom and

Tired? Maybe Jesus Is Trying To Tell You Something!

Building intentional community and meaningful relationships are phrases that are drilled into us as Christians. We’re told that they are a vital part of bringing God’s kingdom to earth, and integral to his plan to make all things new. Hit-and-run
