As The New Year Approaches Make The Winning Shot!

When I was boy I spent countless hours shooting baskets in my backyard. I liked to imagine that my team was behind by one point in the last seconds and I had the ball in my hands. I’d dribble, spin away from a defender, and shoot from twenty feet out. Time expired and the final buzzer sounded as the ball was spinning in the air…
Swish! I made it!! We won!!!
As I dribbled around and shot basket after basket I had a crazy fun fantasy that I’d be discovered by a professional basketball scout and would be drafted to play for the Chicago Bulls in the NBA!
My Big Chance to Win the Game
One day in high school I found myself playing in a real game in front of a crowd with a chance to realize my dream. Let me describe the action…
Our team is down by one point and the game is almost over. We’re on defense. I jump and grab the rebound with four seconds left. I turn and dribble as fast as I can toward our basket. I pull up just beyond the left side of the free throw lane and put up a jump shot. The final buzzer sounds as the ball is spinning in the air…
Swish! I made it!! We won!!!
I’m jumping up and down and pumping my fist in the air! The crowd, including my dad, is erupting in cheers and joins my teammates in rushing onto the court to mob me in excitement.
My dream came true! I was the hero!
The Real Winning Shot
I was the hero that night because I made the winning shot. That kind of success was what I lived for in my sports endeavors, school work, jobs, and everything I did earlier in my life. But did I really make the winning shot?
My basketball success was short-lived. I didn’t even play on a college basketball team, let alone a professional team. Besides, basketball is just a game. Win or lose, at the end of the day it leaves you empty.
Later in high school I was trying to sort all this out and I wrote a paper on True Success. I researched examples of success in our world, including the story of Solomon, the most successful man who ever lived. He learned by experience that achievement, fame, fortune, and entertainments were all like “chasing after the wind.” What mattered in life? Just one thing: “Fear God and keep his commandments” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).
Love your Neighbor to Jesus and others – Make the Winning Shot
The way Jesus described Solomon’s concluding wisdom was, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength… [and] ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Mark 12:30-31)
In other words, love Jesus. Jesus Christ connects us with God and our neighbor (whoever happens to be within reach). Jesus is the Son of God and the Son of Man. Oh, that I would love Jesus more! Oh, that you would love Jesus more!
That is the winning shot!
Rarely in our world do crowds of people applaud the love of God and neighbor, but all of Heaven does! The Society of Heaven knows that there is nothing more beautiful and wonderful than Jesus Christ being manifest when one person shares God’s love with another.
“How Have You Been Drawn Closer to Jesus?”
Recently Kristi hosted a Birthday celebration for me with family and friends. It was a unique and most blessed party! Everyone shared stories to answer the question, “How have you been drawn closer to Jesus through knowing Bill?” We celebrated Jesus, the winning shot, not Bill.
It was the most affirming, humbling, and prayerful hour of my life! As I listened I smiled my thanks to the Lord for the blessing of each person and I kept praying, “O Father, by your Spirit of grace let these words be more true of me. Let Jesus be manifest in me. Help me to share your love with my neighbors and others help me make the winning shot.” –by B. G.
Daily, God gives you many chances to make the winning shot by leading others and drawing others to Jesus, are you using those chances and opportunities to make the winning shot? If you are using your chances and opportunities to draw others to Jesus, may God bless you and may He inspire you to continue on. If you have never thought about using the opportunities and chances that God gives you to draw others to Christ, either because you don’t want to, don’t have time to, or don’t feel like you should have to, consider how you have been blessed by reading the many articles that we have freely shared with you on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, determine to pay this blessing forward by using every opportunity and chance that God gives you to draw others to Jesus!
Ready to make the winning shot? If so, join us in this simple prayer;
Dear Jesus, I am sorry for my sins. I repent of my past waywardness an unwillingness to share the knowledge of you and your saving power. I ask for your forgiveness. I invite you to come in my life and become my personal Lord and Savior and help me learn to make the winning shot by drawing others to you on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Surely I am blessed by the work of WIN International Ministries on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, and I do want to pay the blessing forward by drawing others to you. Please help me do this Jesus, I ask and pray. – Amen.