Even Jesus God Mad at God…How about You?

Do you ever get mad at God? Has something ever happened to you or to someone that you love that has made you “really” mad at God? Are your current circumstances either making you mad or making you question just what is God doing? Getting mad at God is not unusual as you walk with and wait on God to work and answer prayers in your life. God is not surprised when He is accused, misunderstood, or doubted when things happen that may cause upset. God is also not surprised when anger seems to be “the” new favorite daily emotion rather than prayer and joy. Anger at God usually happens when things go wrong. Living life can be tough especially when problems occur that are either hard, cruel, disappointing or oftentimes way too much too bear. God understands. Even Jesus God mad.
The night before Jesus Christ was about to be crucified, He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, “asking God for His will to be done”- Matthew 26:42-44. Jesus wasn’t angry when He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus prayed 3 times in the Garden of Gethsemane for God’s will to be done, then He waited to see what God’s answer would be. The next day Jesus discovered God’s answer. God’s answer was for His one and only son to be crucified. It was at this point, that Jesus became angry at God as He hung on a cross bleeding and in horrible pain. Upon His crucifixion, He cried out “Why Oh, Why have thou Forsaken Me” – Psalm 22:1? It was at that point that Jesus experienced the result of His previous prayers to God. Because like you, Jesus Christ really had to suffer a lot. God’s 1 and only son, understands how it feels to be angry at God. He understands your pain, your questions, and any impatience that you may experience as you wait on God to change things in your life. Even though it hurt, Jesus Christ submitted to the will, the plan and the timing of God because He understood that His life was not His own. Jesus understood that God’s plan would prevail no matter what. Even Jesus was not spared from the agony of suffering. So if you are mad at God or mad at circumstances, consider this, your circumstances may be a result of what you have prayed. When you pray, God answers His way and in the timing He feels is best, but consider this, your circumstances may be God’s current answer to your prayers.
Written By -Evangelist Wendy Evans
“To God Be The Glory”
A story for You – Anger at God – written by Dave Gipson
Have you ever got mad at God?
I do. All the time.
In fact, right now I’m quite mad at God. I really am.
No one I love has died, nor have I been diagnosed with a life-threatening disease. If someone came to me for counseling and said their spouse had just passed away, I would tell them I understand their anger completely.
No, this is something much more basic and less tragic. Sometimes I’m just get fed up with how God is working. Or more specifically, how He’s NOT working.
Right now, our car keeps breaking down. We’ve poured hundreds of dollars into it, because we can’t afford a new one. Now we’re broken down again, and it looks like we’ve wasted all that money.
My schedule is filling up, leaving little time for family while bringing in few resources. People expect more and more from me, which leaves me drained and tired. At the same time, I feel I need to work harder to pay the bills. But when you’re a pastor, you can’t hand people a bill after you’ve spent an hour talking to them. In fact, you often spend much of your time helping people who never help you back.
Like those families you pour time and love into, only to watch them walk away when another larger church offers them something you can’t. Like people you help who never bother to park themselves in a church service and warm up a seat. And don’t get me started about people who never give to the church, but expect you to counsel them just as carefully as those who are faithful supporters.
So…you do just that. And you do it because it’s the right thing to do. Then you wait for the cavalry to arrive.
(Pregnant pause. Long sigh.)
News flash: life is hard. I’m sure you probably realized that before I mentioned it. But the longer I live, the more I feel it. And there are certain days when I feel it more than others:
…when the pressures of daily life start pressing in,
…when people’s unreasonable expectations leave me frustrated,
…when the uncertainties of finances or future prospects weigh me down,
…and when disappointments begin to overwhelm me.
That’s when I start wondering what’s the point.
I follow Him down a winding dark path which finally leads me to…another winding dark path. So when that obedience leads to a cul-de-sac I thought was actually “the road to my destiny”, I look up at the sky (because like a child, I somehow still think of Him up in the sky somewhere) and say, “Really?” with all the sarcasm I can muster.
That’s what I’m saying now…”really”.
The other thing that makes me angry about God is that right now, He’s just smiling at me. It’s the same reaction you have when a wimpy kid half your size threatens to blacken your eye. “Isn’t that cute?”, He’s saying. Normally, I would find His smile heart-warming. But at this moment, it only serves to fuel my anger.
He knows I realize my anger will do little or nothing to change my circumstance. He is determined to make me go through this little “test”. He isn’t going to let me see a way out. I will not know the big pay-off is coming until it comes. Up to that point, I keep marching a futile march around a Jericho wall showing no signs of falling.
Most of all, I’m so tired. So very, very tired…
…and now I’m back. From a nap. Also ate a couple of my wonderful wife’s chocolate-chip cookies, against my better judgment, trashing my low-carb diet. My day-long headache has somewhat subsided, a few of the cobwebs have cleared.
Nothing about my circumstance, however, has changed in the least. Yet somehow, it all seems better.
Yep, sometimes all you need is a short nap, a couple of vitamins in the shape of a cookie, and a new outlook.
On the seventh day the children of Israel marched wearily around that wall at Jericho, nothing had really changed either. But that was the day God had ordained the wall to come down. All they had to do was believe God’s promise, keep a trustful attitude, and keep marching.
Not sure why, but I think my situation is changing. I haven’t sounded a trumpet or anything, but after a little rest and a refreshed outlook, I think I see a change coming.
Sometimes all you need is rest and new perspective. Those bring clearer vision so you can finally see the cracks starting to form in the wall between you and your destiny.
And thankfully, He still hasn’t stopped smiling at me.