Want tips on how to stay positive even during tough times? Look Here!

Well-known Christian speaker and author Joyce Meyer has found out that people’s minds, mouths, and attitudes are all intricately connected. First we think, then our thoughts become words when we speak. These two things affect our emotions, which then become our moods and attitudes. Meyer said even though people might not have the power to change every unpleasant circumstance in their lives, they have at least the power to change their outlook.
“Nobody enjoys a troubling or painful circumstance, but I’ve found if we look at it in a hopeful, faith-filled way, we can watch God work all things out for our good,” she wrote on her website.
She said it all begins with the thoughts people choose to think. No matter what is going on in the world, if people choose to entertain happy, hope-filled thoughts based on God’s Word, then they will automatically feel happier, she said.
“Our thoughts are intricately connected to our feelings. So if we want to feel better, we need to think better,” she explained. “Nothing good comes from thinking sour, critical, and negative thoughts. But something good always comes when we think according to God’s plan for our life.” However, Meyer recognizes that change is not easy and will definitely take some time and practice. However, it will never be impossible, especially with God’s help.
“I have personally been working toward this goal for almost 40 years, and although I have not arrived at perfection, I have made amazing progress. I have successful days, and I also have days when I feel like I’ve failed miserably, but I believe with God’s help I can keep growing,” she shared. This is why when people crave for greater emotional stability and the ability to maintain a consistent good attitude no matter what their circumstances are, then they should make it a goal and never give up until they have reached it.
“A walk begins with one step and then another and another. No matter how long your journey seems, if you take enough steps in the right direction, you will eventually arrive at your desired destination…and truly have the life you’ve always wanted,” she said.