The Bible is filled with great stories of how Jesus helped many people when they faced insurmountable odds, overwhelming circumstances and unforseen problems. Additionally, Jesus’s life and His teachings are filled with many lessons that YOU can apply to your
Have you been dealing with an illness, a difficulty, a problem or a circumstance for a long time? Are answers for you either not showing up, not right, or not what you were looking for? Have you ever wondered what
It is not easy to go through the tough times. If you feel like giving up, it is important you know that you have someone who can help. Jesus Christ can help! Jesus, died for all of us so that
Recently, while cleaning out my garage, I happened across a 30-gallon storage tub. It was filled with items bought with good intent and excitement for projects and ideas now seemingly abandoned. Left in the giant sea of things I never finished! It got
When you come to Jesus Christ, you receive Christ into your heart. Jesus does not physically enter into your chest cavity and live there, but the Spirit of God comes and joins with the spirit of the believer. This is
2020. Most of us would prefer not to re-live a year like this. For the first time in our lives, we experienced our world coming to a screeching halt. Our schedules changing, jobs being taken away, large amounts of time
“How could you possibly vote for ____________? Don’t you realize how awful of a choice that is!” Maybe you’re hearing this from people in recent days. Personally, I have the incredible honor of pastoring hundreds of people every day. This
Israel had fallen into idolatry but their root sin was still unbelief and fear. In His mercy, God sent them a prophet to expose their root sin. The prophet basically told them, “Look at you—a bunch of wimps, hiding out,
I can’t help but believe that every time Peter heard a rooster crow, he also remembered the Lord’s words of affirmation and assurance. Shortly before his crucifixion, Jesus gave his closest disciples the following words of praise: “You are those
Jesus had many opportunities to walk away from the shame and pain of the cross, but he chose the Father’s will and our need over his comfort. [Jesus said,] “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be
Most of you know the folklore of a Genie in a bottle. You rub the bottle and then you have three wishes. (Of course, the first wish I would like is to have a thousand more wishes.) A lot of
When Jesus arrived, Lazarus’s sisters were grieving and disappointed. “Jesus wept” (John 11:35). When asked to recite or memorize a Bible verse in Sunday School, many of us immediately chose this shortest verse in the Bible. But, there is more
In the confines of weariness and discontent, where life’s burdens weigh heavy on your shoulders and hope seems distant, there is a beacon of light shining Read More »
Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey with Jesus that will captivate your senses and transport you to another dimension? If you are, We Read More »
Disobedience to Jesus is far more widespread among people who call themselves Christians than what is generally recognized to be the case. Over the years the Read More »
“The Father loves his Son and has put everything into his hands.” John 3:35 The Father believes in His Son enough to trust Him with everything, Read More »
“When Pharaoh finally let the people go, God did not lead them along the main road that runs through Philistine territory, even though that was the Read More »
If you will make “room for Jesus”, Jesus will make room for you!