Tag Archives: them

Want Your prayers to be effective? Pray like Jesus!

Do you want to know how to pray like Jesus and have your prayers be more effective and more in line with God’s plans for your life? You may have figured out that if you’re going to pray, you do want

Problems Can depress You, Let Jesus Help!

If you’re feeling depressed, remember that you’re not alone. God is with you always. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people in your family, your church, or your friend circles. Ask them to pray with and for you, and

Instead of Worrying, Turn and Trust Jesus!

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and

Ever Wonder How You Should Pray?

In Scripture, Jesus teaches us to pray as He prayed: in solitude. “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” (Mark 1:35).

If Problems are Tiring You Out,Jesus wants to help!

Have you ever heard the song “You just gotta have FAITTTTTTHHHH!” From the song “Faith” by George Michael and Limp Bizkit?   Did you know that they way you think will influence the way you will be. This is why

Discouraged? Use Bible verses to give you a “Joy” lift!

Do you feel down or sad lately? Do you want to be inspired by the love of God? Then there is one thing you should do: grab a Bible and read the different verses. Here are some ways on how

Do You need Jesus to help Get Your Life on Track?

Our lives appear always to be in a constant state of change. Happiness and frustration are never very far removed from each other. I have been away from the Psalms too long. David’s psalms come from many different places and

Invite Jesus to change your life when You Pray!

Praying for health does not cost you anything.  Praying for health takes a little time. There are many people that belong to some kind of religion. When a person is sick or in pain, it is common to pray for

Don’t Live Life In Fear, Trust Jesus! Trust God!

Terrorists terrify us. But from an eternal perspective, they may touch the body, but they can never touch the soul. “Dear friends, don’t be afraid of these who want to murder you. They can only kill the body; they have

Leave what was behind, 7 Exit Tips to Get A Fresh Start!

A new year means a new start. But first we need to look at the ‘out with the old’ before we look at the ‘in with the new.’ Why not start the New Year with a clean slate? We all

Need Help?Let Jesus hand you 2 tools to Attract Supernatural Intervention!

Life can be trying, tiring and oftentimes very perplexing, but you don’t have to be held hostage or captive to trying, tiring and perplexing situations especially if Jesus Christ is Your Personal Lord And Savior.  He is always working, always

Jesus Wants to help you if you’re depressed!

If you’ve found yourself feeling down about life a lot lately and if you have found yourself finding it difficult to concentrate or difficult to go on, you might be depressed. Depression in life is not unusual but normal these
