Tag Archives: worry

Unhappy? Try, Praying,yeilding and being in God’s will!

“Go from your country, your people and your father’s household. . . . And all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” — It is not easy when God is asking us to leave and abandon everything familiar to

Jesus learned this lesson, Have You?

When Jewish pilgrims made their way to the temple in Jerusalem, they had a group of poems they recited together as they traveled. These poems or psalms were called the “songs of ascent.”One of the psalms describes the anxiety pilgrims

Have faith in Jesus!

Living life can be hard as you try and follow Jesus! Knowing what to do in tough times can be harder. Even though living life can be hard, we encourage you to put your faith in Jesus when time are

Even when Faced with The Cross, Jesus Learned This!

Answer my prayers, O Lord, for your unfailing love is wonderful. Take care of me, for your mercy is so plentiful. (Psalm 69:16) It may feel as though few people care about the challenges you are facing right now, it

Perhaps, Money and Fame Are Not In Jesus’s Plan For your life!

Ask the wealthy– money and fame doesn’t always equate to happiness. The reason is simple, if you’re not happy with yourself and appreciate the simplest things in life, joy will escape you. I know people who have more than most,

Seeking God For 31 Days? Jesus May Be working to fix “YOUR Droughts”!

Things have been soggy in West Texas this past year. Green is not an expected late summer and early fall color. This year, however, prairie grass is still green, very plentiful, and much taller than usual! Weeds are growing like

Christ Doesn’t Want You To Worry….

It’s practically impossible to avoid hearing about the president. Political talk is in the news, on social media, and in day-to-day conversations, and most of it is not very encouraging. Many people are worrying about the outcome of this election.

Did You Know Even Jesus didn’t Know God’s Will For His Life?

What is God’s will for my life? This is a question we often hear from Christians and have likely asked ourselves. It is only natural to want to know what God has planned for us so that we can begin

Jesus Trusted in God, Do You?

Sometimes believing in God is the easy part. Believing in his plan for our lives is often much harder. That requires trust in him. Not just in his existence but in his ways, his word, and his promises. That can

Even in Hard times, Is Your Joy found in Jesus?

God wants us to continually make good choices for our lives. So He’s given us the Bible – His Word – as an instruction book to live by. The thing is, once we know what it says, we’re responsible to

Jesus Learned to do this, Have you?

As this last year came to a close on December 31st, it’s only natural that we all took a moment to reflect on what happened in our lives over the past 365 days. There was a birthday, Christmas, probably a

Ever wondered if God “Really” Answers Prayer?

Most of us have heard that all prayers are answered. We are told that God either says “Yes” or “No.” What if the answer is “Yes”? What if the answer is “No” – how can we deal with it? How
