Tag Archives: Pray

When Life is Bad, Jesus Wants To Help!

During times of cascading badness, friends sometimes need to believe for those caught in the crush of seriously bad stuff. Life can be crushing. Some people seem to get more than their fair share of the crush than others —

Remember, Jesus is Near, He wants to help!

I will lift up my eyes to the hills — from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, who made Heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will

Got problems? Jesus wants to help!

In one, simple, short verse, Jesus gives a clear teaching on what you are to do with your problems. He said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Now

Not happy? Plug in to Divine Power!

We must not forget to punch that little red button and make sure the current of heaven’s grace and power flow to us and flow through us to the world. “What a dummy!” I thought to myself. I had plugged

Need Help? Call On Jesus, Let Jesus decide YOUR breakthru!

The Bible tells us, “You do not have, because you do not ask” (James 4:2). How much enjoyment of God’s presence and breakthrough power are we missing out on because we do not ask God for it? Jesus also says

7 Signs YOU’RE Growing Closer to Jesus!

What are signs that you are growing closer to Christ? Here is our list of seven. Persecuted for the Gospel Many people grow discouraged when they are persecuted for telling others the Good News, but that is a strong indication you

Jesus can help you handle your “spiritual awakening”!

There is a coming-of-age for fruit-bearing Jesus-followers. At some point in your growth in the faith, you will face a drought or a plague or a blight of some kind. That’s when you will discover what your fruit is made

Jesus Has An Offer For YOU!

You need not be afraid, YOU need not worry, and you need not fret. Because Jesus understands and He even knows the numbers of hairs on your head. Jesus understands that you may be tired, disgusted, unsure and fed up

Problems? Could it Be that You are Not where Jesus Wants?

But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding. Job 32:8 (NIV) Years ago I made a decision to drop out of college. Then a young mom with two children and one

Jesus’s right revelations can change things!

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of old problems that never seem to go away? Maybe you’ve tried different solutions, but nothing seems to work. The good news is that there is a way out! By

Ever Wonder What Good Friday and The Resurrection Has to do With YOU?

Let’s consider some things personally. If you are a follower of Christ, think about the next few statements in terms of your life. If you are contemplating following Christ, then here are some helpful insights into Christianity and the benefits

As Easter approaches, Jesus will try if you try!

If you have tried everything and it is not working, the thing to try when all else fails is to try again! The reason you should try again is because the person who really wants to do something finds a
