Leave the life of the Ordinary!Take a leap of faith,follow Jesus!

Are you fed up with the mundane existence of living an ordinary life? Does boring routines, dull scenes, and predictable occurrences in your life keep you less than happy, entertained or fulfilled by what you are currently experiencing in your life? If any of that describes you and you feel like your life feels like you’re stuck in a predictable rut, Jesus Christ wants to invite you to leave the life of the Ordinary and follow Him so that you can begin to experience God’s extraordinary for your life. Jesus wants to invite you to follow Him where He leads you. At God’s request and under God’s direction, He wants to gently lead you away from the ordinary to the extraordinary that God has purposed Just for you. Be aware, that such a leading will not occur if you are not willing to follow Jesus, take risks and be uncertain about where you are going and how you are going to get there.
If you knew how you were going to get there, you wouldn’t need faith. Such a leading will not occur if you do not have total faith that God is in control of your extraordinary and He knows the way to lead you to make sure that you get it. Such a leading will not occur if you are not willing to surrender wholeheartedly and ungrudging to the pathways that God has marked out just for you! Leaving the life of the ordinary requires that you take a bold leap of faith and follow Jesus where He leads you. Hebrews 11:6 states that without faith it is impossible to please God. God is the ultimate source for your life and because He is the ultimate source for your life that supplies you with what you need or what you want, He has the right to set the terms and the conditions of how what you have asked for will come about. You may have been praying and asking for something new, something better, or asking for the way to be shown to you, if you have been praying, asking or looking for the way to be shown to you, then your answer has just arrived. Each time you sit in a chair, without even thinking about it or realizing it, you are being asked to have faith. The reason you are being asked to have faith before you sit in a chair is because when you are told to sit down in a chair or when you approach a chair to sit, you are expected to sit in the chair and not question whether or not the chair has the ability or the strength to bear the weight of you sitting in the chair without dropping you or disabling you before you sit in the chair. You are not expected to ask the chair questions about it’s ability to hold you or bear your weight, nor or you expected to ask the chair if it will drop you or disable you. It is this kind of faith that Jesus is looking for when He invites you to leave the life of the ordinary and, take a bold leap of faith and follow Him.
Although you may not have seen God or Jesus before, you have been led to believe that they exist. A certain degree of faith in their existence was necessary for you to form this belief system. The entire concept of the creation of our world and the central theme of Christianity focuses around and on God being our Creator and Jesus Christ being our personal Lord and Savior, again a certain degree of faith on your part was necessary for this to be part of your belief system. We’d like to suggest that you seriously consider enabling this same belief system that enabled you to believe that God and Jesus exists to enable you to have the confidence necessary to take this bold leap of faith!
We’d also like to suggest to you that you seriously consider enabling this same belief system that enabled you to have faith in the chair’s ability to hold you when you sit to enable you to be willing to risk it all and take a bold leap of faith and follow Jesus where He leads you so that you can leave the life of the ordinary and walk to where God is with the extraordinary life that He has purposed just for you. You do not have to be worried about being mislead or worrying about whether or not it’s really Jesus leading you, or if it is really God’s will for you to experience the extraordinary, Jesus will make clear His instructions for your pathways and the way that He is leading you so that you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is really Him leading you. If you’re ever in doubt, all you need to do is simply pray and ask “Jesus to make clear the way that He is leading you”.
If you’ve had enough of being tired, of if you’ve had enough of not being able to get things to work, or if you’re fed up with being expected to settle for table scraps while others hoard the best for themselves, this is your defining moment, Jesus Christ is beckoning you right now and saying to you “Come with me, Launch out in the deep waters of uncertainty with me, let me show you the way”. “ Follow me, and I will show you the pathways to God’s extraordinary” When Jesus Christ leads you A leap of faith is never entirely defined by a single leap. You must be ready to take continual steps forward towards the realization and the fulfillment of God’s extraordinary for your life. You must be ready, willing and able to stay the course with Jesus no matter how much work it is, how long it is taking or how many setbacks and unforeseen circumstances happen along the way! So, what do you think? Are you in or not? Are you ready to go forward or stay stuck? If you’ve read this far, you have now been given more than enough information to make a quality decision. So what’s it going to be? Do you want to walk to where Jesus Christ awaits you to lead you to your life of the extraordinary or do you want to stay stuck where you are and never experience the extraordinary that God has purposed just for you? We’ve presented you with an opportunity to change your life, but the choice is yours! It is our prayer that you will choose wisely. So, what’s Your choice?
If you want to accept Jesus Christ’s offer to you to leave your life of the ordinary and begin to work with Him to begin to experience the extraordinary that God has purposed just for you, then join us in this simple prayer;
Dear Jesus,
I’m in. I would like to invite you to come into my life and my circumstances to begin to lead me on the right pathway that God has for me so that I can begin to experience the extraordinary that God has purposed just for me. Please make clear to me the pathways that I should take. I ask that you block, protect and save me from wrong pathways, the devil’s detours, false opportunities, and shiny distractions that clamor for my attention to keep me from following you and walking in my destiny. Create in me a clean heart, and remove impurities from my thoughts, my actions and my deeds. Give me a Spirit of endurance and the Spirit of a Finisher so that I may stay my course with you. Help me stay the course with you regardless of the cost, the time, the energy and the effort that it will cost me to walk into my season of abundance where God’s extraordinary is being saved just for me! I am asking for this in your name, Amen!